
Monday, April 15, 2019

Small Writing Tips

A few tips I have picked up from being a story lover for many years. 
Disclaimer: I've never actually written a book.

Unfulfilled Desires
If you're going to kill off a character, consider killing them off before they've achieved something important to them. Let the reader know exactly what they're leaving behind. For example, they couldn't wait to see their mom after many years, but they died right before being able to make the trip, and their mom will never see them again. Or, it was their lifelong dream to see the ocean. They wanted to tell their best friend they loved them. It really rips the reader's heart out because they weren't finished with life.

Powerful Villain
Be sure we know how powerful your villain is. Before your hero must confront the villain in the climax, make sure the hero (and your reader) sees first hand the kind of damage the villain can do. You have to instill that fear of the villain as organically and early as possible in the story.

Keep Old Drafts
Never throw away your old drafts, even ones from story ideas you've trashed. Keep them, and re-read them occasionally. You never know what important things you will want to go back and use.

Model Real Personalities
Be real. Especially with your main character. Figure out your hero's personality, and learn as much as you can about that personality. It will help you write your character more authentically. (I like to take this test through the eyes of my character. One of my favorite powerful characters I worked with back when I was still writing was an ESTJ personality and I loved using all the ESTJ information I found online to strengthen her characteristics). But don't forget to make your hero change and grow overtime (a.k.a. a 'character arc'). That's what real people do.

Watch Movies & Read Books
Watch movies and read books. Make notes of what you like/dislike about the stories and the characters. Remember them when you write your own stuff.

Don't forget to use references. You'll never get anywhere if you expect to figure out what to say and how to say it all on your own. Where do people go these days when they need inspiration? The internet. Welcome to the future, people. You want your character to express how they feel without being cliche? Go create a Pinterest account, follow some 'writing reference' boards.

Write Horribly
At the top of the rough draft of your story, label it 'The Dumbest Version'. It will help your mindset to allow yourself to write terribly because the rough draft doesn't have to be good it just has to be written.

Thanks for reading- I hope some of these can help you out sometime. :) 

// -Amaris //


  1. It is I, I am back in the blogging world, and thankful for your writing tips!!! Thank you Amaris :)
