
About Me

Some things I enjoy :

God's book of Psalms // the color grey // stacks of books yet to be read // pink shimmery eyeshadow // soft golden sunlight shining through a window at twilight // solitude // studio ghibli piano music // meaningful conversation // a homemade dinner // the smiles of delighted children // Psalm 32 // playing music in the car by myself // multiple piercings in an ear // brown eyes in a kind one's face // 'Moon River' sung by Audrey Hepburn // shopping at the thrift store by myself // a quality meme // natural roses // cool toned aesthetic // Lauv // Vans Off The Wall // creating pencil art from a picture // positivity // sunshine flowers // a sunset's reflection upon a still body of water // human psychology // a clean home // a rainbow in a pink sky // happy doggos // Ben Platt - Grow As We Go // a clear night of stars // spider-man // a row of autumn-colored trees // John 16 : 33 // the smell of the Home Depot //  an active imagination // a kind person who respects the sensitivities of others // a crisp October // frilly dresses made of chiffon // the smell of black coffee // feelingdown - Vaines // fascinating tales of history // Fiji Water // vsco edited phone pictures // The Office // a man who listens patiently and doesn't try to fix me or make fun of how much I don't know // elegant golden jewelry // an energetic place to spend my days working // the smell of cologne and leather // the term 'the heavens' in the Bible // Know Me - The Band CAMINO // face masks & glowy skin care // lacy clothing // various house plants // silver pink // suppressed laughter that tumbles out anyways // Oh Wonder // 72% dark chocolate // unexpected 70 degree weather in the middle of a Missouri Winter // AirPods // having my own car to arrive as early as I want // people who mean what they say // Good Mythical Morning // cuddles // happy memories that remain even when the friendship has ended // fairy lights on my desk and bookshelf at 3am // lemon water

~ Amaris // ☆


  1. Haha! "If you're reading this, when you SHOULD be writing, that's your own problem." Yeahhh. Thanks for reminding me. :-P

    I love fangirling. But then define fangirling. To me gushing about movies on your blog is fangirling. It doesn't really have to be squealing and yelling and shipping. Although I do squeal and I ship. :-P

    That Markus Zusak quote is beautiful. :-)

    ~ Naomi

  2. Wow! I love your blog Phoebe!! :D

  3. Vintage things!! YES!! I LOVE em. Chick-fil-A is delicious! <3 Lovely blog! I LOVE your header!!! :D

  4. The chick fil a thing is so spot on! BTW, I'm hopping over from Abbie's blog.... Chronicles In Bloom.

  5. I just stumled upon your blog and I love it! Your header is GORGEOUS!!!!

  6. Hi Amaris!! Your blog is sooo gorgeous!!! <3 I'm so pleased to have found it!!

    OH MY GOODNESS I LOOOOOVE WWII HISTORY! Especially the dresses. And the dancing. And the dresses :P anything vintage is awesome!

    Long romantic walks through the rain are my one weakness :D!

    Lovely blog Dear!!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it. :) I was just about to update this page, actually. This one has been up for a long time. I love walks in the rain! They are so fun. :D
      Glad to have you around!

  7. I absolutely love your blog, Amaris! I'm an INFJ as well - I'm surprised how many there are in the blogging world! I also love, love, love history and rain. :)

    And the quote at the end. <33

    love, zane

    1. Thank you, Zane! It is nice to meet a fellow INFJ. There aren't too many of us out there, is there? So welcome. :)
      A lot of them like to write, which I guess explains why there are several bloggers who are INFJs.
      Anyway, thanks for the comment!

  8. YAY! Another INFJ!!! :D
    It's nice to meet you, your blog is gorgeous! <3

    -Gray Marie

    1. Hello! And thank you! Yes, there are a few of us (INFJs) out there, surprisingly!
      Thanks for stopping by!


    like Shackleton? YUS

      Love his stuff. :) I'm so excited for Cinetmatic. :D

  10. Hullo, Amaris! Emily here, from The Altogether Unexpected. Just wanted to say thanks for the recent follow - I've been checking out your blog and decided to start following you as well! Amen to Jesus above all else. Jesus is life. He is my everything. I honestly don't know what I would do without him in my life.... Also, cheers to you, fellow INFJ - I too am one. Looking forward to reading your posts; from the ones I've scoped out already, I can tell we have a lot in common. Again, thanks for the follow! I hope you enjoy mine as well :)

    1. Hi Emily!! No problem- thank YOU for the follow! I also noticed we have a lot in common. :) I am currently working on writing a post with your character tag, which I hope to post soon! Gotta love a good tag!
      And YES, so true. I don't know what I would do without God either. The past year or so have been some of the hardest times in my life to endure... But God has been with me through it all. He is amazing.
      Well I hope you enjoy looking around, and thanks again for the kind comment!!!

  11. I love your name! It's so elegant :D There's so many things here I enjoy as well, like a starry sky, lacy dresses, and shimmery pink. What a delightful surprise to stumble upon your blog!
