Sunday, February 14, 2016

Just a Cute Little Tag...

I was grateful when Cordy tagged me because I've been looking for something to blog about, but strangely, I wasn't having any good ideas. It always happens that way.  :P
So. Here are the questions.

 1. Do you have a favorite fictional couple? (If so, why do you like them?) Well now, this is difficult to answer. I'm not really the type of person to go around squealing over fictional boyfriends and girlfriends ("Shipping", is what it's called, I believe). To be honest, I think I could probably find a better use for my time than that.
However, I like to read books, and I do love characters, so I have to say that over every other team of characters in a book, I enjoyed reading about Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester the best. I read the book for school, and thoroughly enjoyed it. (Yes, I am one who enjoys her school-work). Unlike period dramas by Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte is a much deeper storyteller. Jane's story is very dark and deep. It isn't a continual question of 'who will fall in love with who'. It is a tragic tale of the dark mind, of forgiveness, of decisions.

2. If you could have any animal (safely), as a pet you would have a...
A fennec fox. I heard about these things a couple of years ago, and decided I wanted one. People actually do keep them as pets.  They are like a combination of a dog and a cat. The only set back is that they're nocturnal, which would make it hard for me to sleep if they went around playing at all hours of the night. :P

3. You get to live in Middle Earth, what race are you a member of?
That's easy. I'm an elf. Back when I first became a Lord of the Rings fan, I even took a bunch of internet quizzes, and they all said 'elf'. I haven't the slightest doubt of it, either. Elves are quick, light-footed and agile, they love the trees of the forests, the sea and stars, they hate evil and they love arts and music. So yes, I am definitely an elf. 

4. In an ideal situation (you don't have to worry about living too far from family or money concerns) where would you live? (It can be fictional.)
Well, when I was a kid I always wanted to live in a big, fancy mansion, with my own swimming pool and movie theater and chauffeur. I guess in an ideal situation, I would want to live somewhere similar, but I would want halls and halls of books. Beautiful books. It would still be a mansion of course, set in the middle of some quiet forest (see? There's my elf side coming out again...), and there would be lots and lots of windows, and the ceilings would be very high (I've always adored those high ceilings. Quite majestic, they are.) It would be a very beautiful house. Complete with a springy pinky vintage-y wardrobe, and a place to do my crafts, and all that good stuff. I could go on and on but I don't want to make this answer be the longest. 

*clears throat*

5. Do you have a favorite 'vintage' movie? (As in, filmed before 1960.) What is it?
Well now, it would be hard for me to narrow it down to only ONE favorite. :P I enjoy lots of old movies. A few that stick out in my head are: It's a Wonderful Life, Forever Darling, Harvey, Roman Holiday, Singin' in the Rain, Ben Hur, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Fuller Brush Girl, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Charade. I also really enjoyed Gone With The Wind. :) And anything that Jimmy Stewart plays in is good, just saying. :) Harvey is especially my favorite.

6. When you were a little kid what did you want to be when you grew-up?
*reaches down into the deepest crevice of my brain in an attempt to recall those particular sensations as a child*
I think it changed a lot. I'm sure it does for everybody. I can't seem to pin point anything for a good answer. :P Hm.

7. You can be 'the best' in any sport (e.g. gymnastics, curling, synchronized swimming etc.) what do you choose?
Well now, that wouldn't work out at all because I don't do any sports at all whatsoever. The closest I ever come to 'doing a sport' would be to go ice skating whenever it's cold enough. But not for sport, actually. Just skating round and round the rink. But if that counts, then I would like to get better at ice skating, yes.

8. List three things that you wish people knew about you but will never ask. (Or just three random things. ;))
1. My mom had a revelation one day while reading her Bible, and it was God telling her she was going to have me.
2. I don't like fanfiction.
3. I know a family with 17 kids (no adoptions). And no, it ain't the Duggars.

9. Share a favorite quote!
I'd love to. I'm not a huge quote person, actually, but when I read/hear a good one, I like to remember it if I can.

"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time others waste."
-Henry Ford

 There you go. :)

10. What is your favorite thing about wintertime? (Besides Christmas.)
I would have to say snow and cloudy skies. I just love cloudy skies, I don't know why (I don't have a cold soul or a black heart or anything like that, I promise).

I hope you enjoyed my answers! Here is the list of questions if any of you want to do it.

1. Do you have a favorite fictional couple? (If so, why do you like them?)
2. If you could have any animal (safely), as a pet you would have a...
3. You get to live in Middle Earth, what race are you a member of?
4. In an ideal situation (you don't have to worry about living to far from family or money concerns) where would you live? (It can be fictional.)
5. Do you have a favorite 'vintage' movie? (As in, filmed before 1960.) What is it?
6. When you were a little kid what did you want to be when you grew-up?
7. You can be 'the best' in any sport (e.g. gymnastics, curling, synchronized swimming etc.) what do you choose?
8. List three things that you wish people knew about you but will never ask. (Or just three random things. ;))
9. Share a favorite quote!
10. What is your favorite thing about wintertime? (Besides Christmas.)

If you like, you can think up ten of your own questions to post at the end of all of your answers. I hope you have fun with this!

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