Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How to Make a Simple Cocktail Hat

I wasn't sure if this is technically called a "Cocktail Hat", because I wasn't following any rules of fashion when I made this, but for now that's what I'm calling it. It might be a different kind, but I wouldn't know.

You can see it's very simple. I made this hat because I wanted something to wear with a dress that I'm wearing at an English Country Dancing Ball in December. It turned out really cute, so I made a couple more to sell at a craft fair that I'll be doing in 2017.
For this craft, you don't need a ton of stuff.
  • An empty cereal box (or a piece of cardboard the same thickness as a cereal box)
  • A sheet of felt (in whatever color you choose)
  • Tulle (I bought a roll at Michael's- you don't need very much. I have almost the whole roll of tulle left when I'm finished)
  • Thin floral wire (I used 30 gauge) 
  • Flowers of your choice (You can use whatever kind you want. Keep in mind that it's good to get flowers that have a flat bottom so that they glue easily to the hat)
  • Metal Clips (or you can use hat pins or whatever else works. You could even use a headband!)
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Optional: Pearl spray embellishments (I found some from the Wedding section at Michael's)
I got all of these things at Michael's, which makes this craft easier for me because I didn't have to run around to 15 different stores to find the supplies. :)

First, I cut out a medium sized circle in my cardboard (about 4 3/4 inches).

Yes, I'm cutting up my hamster food box to make this craft. Yes, my hamsters are doing fine, thanks for asking.
At this point, I also cut out a circle from my felt that was about 1/2 inch larger than my cardboard circle.

BEFORE I attached my felt onto the cardboard, I cut a slit just to the center of my circle, and I overlapped it to make a little bit of a dome shape. It looks better on my head this way.

 THEN I glue my felt on. You might notice that the felt overlaps into a pucker when I glued it on. I'm not worrying about that, because I'm going to cover it up later. Just be sure to glue it flat.

Then I cut half inch slits all around the hat to glue down. Make the flaps small make things look precise and neat.

Oh look, there's Phil. Hi, Phil. (Who's Phil...?)
After the flaps are all glued down, I cut one more piece of felt the size of my hat to glue underneath and seal everything up. This ensures that no one will ever be able to tell that I made this out of a cereal box. :)

Now that the base is done, it's time to get out the tulle. :)
This part you can do however you want. Holding it with my fingers, I just made three loops with a tail on each end.

Then I secured the loops at the end with wire by wrapping it around several times.There's really no right or wrong way to do this. You just kinda 'do it' and it always ends up looking right. :P Just be sure to secure the ends like this so they stay put.

Then you can kind of fan it out with your fingers to make it look the way you want.

 Now we just glue the wired part flat onto the dome. Be sure to glue it so that we can cover the little pucker of felt that we had.

Now that we have the tulle ready, we can start thinking about how we I want to arrange our flowers. 
I pulled flowers off of this hydrangea to arrange them the way I want them.

Just glue until you're satisfied with the arrangement. :)

If you like, when you're finished you can put some pearl embellishment on it. I put some on a different hat that I made like this, but I kind of liked my blue hat without them, so I just kept it the way it is.

With my pink hat, I put the pearls right at the base part of where the tulle comes out. You could do that if you like.

Now I just gotta think of a good hairstyle to go with it. :)

If you make this, I hope you have fun doing it! It adds quite a statement to MY outfits. :)


Monday, November 21, 2016

Four Fictional Characters Tag

So, I saw this thing going around Instagram (no, I don't have an account so I can't link you... sorry folks), people are pasting pictures to 'describe themselves with four fictional characters'.
I thought that was a really cute idea, so I thought of this tag. (I know... aren't I clever... :P) I don't know if this tag has ever been done on blogs before, but *shrug* you know. :)
I hope you enjoy!

// Four Fictional Characters Tag // 

The Rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you, and link back to The Storybook Journal.
2. List four fictional characters (use pictures if you want! They can be from movies or books) and, if you like, describe what they're like and why you believe they relate to you
3. Tag a few other blog people!  Three, or four, or even twenty. :) Share the fun!
Be sure to let them know you've tagged them!

Here we go!
1. Galadriel from the Hobbit Movies
I always liked Galadriel. She's not only one of the characters that I aspire to be like, but she is also very similar to me in a number of ways.
She's a helper, a counselor, an 'encourager'. People look up to her. Like me, she prefers solitude. She's not the first one to jump at the chance to go on an adventure, but she's the one behind the adventure, the one helping people out to do it, the person figuring out things behind the scenes.
Plus, I've been told by Certain People (and strangers!) that I look like her. So there's that, too. *shrug*

2. Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird (book AND movie)

I've always admired the ponderous and thoughtful Atticus. He says what he thinks, but only after thinking it through. He does the best he can in every situation (even in hard circumstances), and always does (or tries to do) the right thing for his kids, and for everyone. It's a lot of pressure, and it might not be the easiest (or the most popular) thing to do, but that's what he does. Like him, I don't mind going against the flow.

Also like Atticus, I don't mind being the 'unpopular' one. Whether it's the way I think, the things I like, or anything else, I'm interested in what I like and what is right in the eyes of God. Never mind what people think of it. I'm an INFJ, people.  I'm going down a lonely road, but it's MY road, and BY GOLLY I'M GOING DOWN IT.

3. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice
I know, I know. Every woman wants to be Lizzie. Every woman thinks they ARE Lizzie. Elizabeth is the FIRST fictional person that EVERY WOMAN chooses the moment they're told, "Pick a fictional character!"
But that's no matter.
I actually find myself similar to Lizzie, in a few different ways.
She's kind of like Atticus Finch in that she seems to be the only one with a reasonably decent head on her shoulders, who likes to make things better in a given situation, if she can. She has lots of patience with annoying people (a.k.a. "Mrs. Bennet"), and she does what's best for the OTHER person first.

Just a side note: I almost put Jane Bennet in this entry because I am a lot like her as well (because I tend to blindly think that people are better than they are), but I went with Lizzie instead.

I also tend to dislike (dare I say "hate") people who are proud.

4. Last one:Melanie Wilkes from Gone With the Wind (BOOK)
I say I'm more like the book Melanie because 1. I liked her better in the book, and 2. I was able to know more about her from the book, which made me see how I was like her. 
She never ever thinks of herself. I can't say that it's bragging to say that I'm always thinking of the other person when I do it so much that I often inconvenience myself and put myself in huge spots because of not wanting to hurt peoples feelings.
She and I tend to think the best of people.
We always see the light in a situation.
In any situation, our first instinct is to think of how to make things better, even if that means putting ourselves out. 
We are too innocent for this world, yet our inner secret determination is like nothing you've ever seen. When we make up our mind to believe in something (or someone), we WON'T STOP believing in it, no matter what we're told. 
We aren't afraid of going against the crowd. (Might I mention Melanie's attitude toward Belle Watling?)
Lastly, we tend to get on the nerves of people who differ from us.

So there you go! :D 
Here are a few of my blogging friends that I am tagging:
Naomi Sarah (because she was one of my first followers even when my blog was brand new)
Morgan Luann (because she leaves me lovely comments and was the first one to follow my craft blog)
Cordy (because she always tags me for fun stuff so it's time I returned the favor. :) 
Abbie C. (because she has one of the best blogs around and I love to read her stuff. :)

I hope you enjoy the tag! Feel free to take your time and give your choices some thought. I know I had to. :)

p.s. If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave me your four characters in the comments! :D I'd love to hear them!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Thoughts On Something {I Thought} I Didn't Like

To say the least, sometimes I surprise myself.

I literally do not watch superhero movies. Ever.
It's just NOT my thing at all. I've tried to watch them before and ended up hating them. (Captain America.... *cough*)
This being the case, I was indifferent when my mom suggested watching "The first Spiderman" last weekend. (This is the original one from 2002 where Peter Parker first becomes Spiderman.)
Anyways, I was like "Ok, sure, fine, whatever." I really didn't care what we watched, and I wasn't planning on watching it anyways, but instead I wanted to do some crafts while the rest of my family watched.
"I'll only watch until the part where he becomes Spiderman." I said.

From the looks of this post, you can guess that I did end up watching the ENTIRE thing, because partway through I decided that I wanted to finish it.
And guess what.

No, I'm not going to be joining the "Marvel Fandom" anytime soon. No, you can not expect to see half a dozen "Superhero Posts" on the blog every week.  (Heaven forbid that!)
But I did have some interesting thoughts on this movie and I wanted to share them. 
I have to say though: this review is so different from what I usually post that it's weird. Like, you'll see my pretty sidebar and pictures of flowers and "Period dramas" and "Old Movies" and Random Prettiness and then...
A Spiderman post. XD
What is my life. 
 I mean, I guess you don't have to read it if you don't want to. It's all good with me. :)

I mentioned this is the movie where Peter Parker becomes "Spiderman". Keep in mind that I know nothing about the original comic stories so forgive me if my ignorance rears it's ugly head in this post as I attempt to discuss something which I know little about. *clears throat* Now let me get into all that I had planned to say.

So, this guy Peter Parker (played by Tobey Maguire, who did a really good job with the part- in my opinion) is an awkward bullied weakling at his high school. The only thing he's got going for him is that he has ONE solitary friend who always sticks by him. 
He also has a tremendous crush on a girl that he would never dream of trying to impress. After all, she has a boyfriend, and is popular and well-liked, so how could he possible ever ask her to go out with him? Alas, there are too many things in his way, too many things to hold him back. Plus he's really shy.

Need I say more?

The setup for the movie is really just a big cliche if you think about it. He lives with his aunt and uncle (no parents in the picture...), he's a dramatically unpopular science and photography nerd with glasses and a not-very-interesting persona.
Hmm. Where have I seen this scenario before? Try EVERY movie EVER. (Well not exactly. But you get what I'm saying.) 
Peter's school goes on a field trip to a science lab (of sorts) when a genetically modified spider drops by (uninvited) and surprise! Bites him. 

Well, he heads home and falls into some sort of stupor from the poison.When he wakes up, he realizes that he feels different...somehow.
He no longer needs glasses. In fact, he can see just fine. He has a strange ability to acutely detect the smallest movement or change of atmosphere around him. And his once wimpy sort of body is now stronger with the strength to scale walls and is also (need I say it?) more attractive. The funny thing is that he figures out all this stuff at the WRONG TIMES. Please, watch this 3 minute clip from the movie. You'll see what I mean. XD

 Oh, and his hands are sticky and able to cling to any surface. He can even spin webs with them. Imagine that. :)
Slowly, he makes himself accustomed to his new skills. This part of the movie probably has the funniest moments, as he begins to slowly change from regular life to the new superhero life. He's gotta protect his identity, figure himself out, and all that. It's quite funny, sometimes. I mean look at this and how cute and amusing it is. XD

Let's just say now our unpopular little friend has a very interesting way to spend his free time. His "buddies" at high school are noticing that he has changed (somewhat) for the better, and they stop bullying him as they realize that he is no longer the weak pushover her once was.

Don't mind me. Just goin' down my aunt and uncle's staircase. 
The public is beginning to notice him too, as he saves people from house fires and burglaries and such. He even gets himself a super spide-y suit! The best thing is, his crush notices he's different too, and likes it. Sadly, he still doesn't have the nerve to ask her out. (*sigh* Isn't that sad?)

Her face tho.

But things aren't all on the rosy side. A company owner (who happens to be the father of Peter's only best friend), desperate to save his dying industry and impress his investors, does something drastic to himself, accidentally turning himself into a super-villain (which is so totally NOT cliche).
On top of that, someone in Peter's family is killed in an accident, and it's (coincidentally) Peter's fault.
So now he's got a cheesy villain guy who's trying to kill him, and Peter has to protect the only family he has left. And maybe, just MAYBE, protect the girl he loves.

To whom it may concern, this is the guy who plays the voice of Gill in "Finding Nemo". Just thought I'd throw that out there.

I would LIKE to tell you more of the story, but I don't wanna spoil it for you.
In spite of Peter's scenario being a cliche, I feel like his character arc was written pretty well. I always like it when a character is different from who they were at the beginning. In the end Peter Parker has changed so much (and for the better) that you just love him because it's realistic.
The best part is, his crush LIKES him that way too. :)
She did a good job in this movie as well, by the way. I was quite impressed with the red hair. :)
(On a side note, I just found out that this is the same girl who plays Marie Antoinette from this movie.)

Lemme tell you why I tend to like 'older' action/superhero movies better than more recent ones. Because the new ones are seriously violent. I feel like the more we go through the 2010s, superhero movies get more violent and less meaningful. I mentioned that I didn't like the Captain America movies. Specifically, the FIRST one. Why, you ask? It was so violent (and the violence wasn't even that bad, just shooting and punching and stuff like that, but it was so OFTEN) that I didn't have time to enjoy Steve. The movie was too fast-paced, and I was swept along from one (violent) event to the next, and here is Steve who's TRYING at least to do the right thing for his country (I mean, he's Captain America...), but we hardly ever got to spend quality time with him and see his true character.
And I wasn't enjoying that.
So I turned the movie off.

When a movie is violent so often that I can't even get to know the characters or appreciate what they're going through, then I an forced to deem that movie unworthy of my time, and, sadly, it gets turned off and snubbed at. I'm pretty tired of movies like that.
It's what Hollywood is dishing out to us, it's what we have to deal with, and it's JUST SO DUMB.

Why can't they make superhero movies so that even peace-loving people like me can enjoy them?!
But no! Being on the explosions, they say!!!
* * * * * 
Now that THAT rant is over with, let me get back to Spider-Man.
I do have to say a few things I liked about Peter (at least THIS Peter, meaning the Maguire Peter):

1. He wasn't pretentious.
2. He cried sometimes.
3. He was adorable and funny and the cutest moron ever. Without trying to be.
4. He wanted to do the right thing.
5. He was sorry for his mistakes.

You see, I like to watch characters who give me GOOD REASONS to like them as a person.
And I will therefore cheer them on as they do their thing, and enjoy their movies immensely, because hey! This character is worth my precious time! 

Yes those are pizza boxes. Don't ask. XD

(Now that I have finally REACHED the bottom line...)
For all the reasons I mentioned above, even though I am an avid hater (well, "hater" sounds too harsh. Let's call me a "disliker") of all things Marvel, I really liked Spider-Man (2002). There wasn't a ton of violence (except for a LITTLE), there wasn't a ton of sexy things (except for a TINY BIT), and there wasn't a ton of cuss words (except for a FEW).
It was adorable and a little cheesy and a little dated, but BY GOLLY I LOVED IT.

There you go.
NOW DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME. *covers face in defense*

P.S. The best thing about seeing this movie is I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THIS GIF. And believe me, it's funny!

Bye now!

Friday, November 4, 2016

October // 2016 // Favorites

What have I been up to, you say? 
I'm glad you asked! 

Death Comes to Pemberley. I wanted to wait until I finished the book before I watched it. It's really good so far. It has some beautiful shots, and I really like the actor for Darcy. 

Gone With the Wind. And believe me, as wonderful and great as the movie is, I like the book ten times better. My favorite thing about it is that I am learning a ton about the Civil War, but the book does NOT sound like a Civil War textbook! :)

This hat. All the time. Because I can.

Juice Plus smoothies and homemade cabbage and beef soup (a couple of favorites in my household).

Hoping for:
A white Christmas. I don't mind letting you know that it does snow during the Winter where I live. But it hasn't snowed on CHRISTMAS for like six years. I guess I can only hope that it might this year. *crosses fingers*

Looking Forward To:
The Adam Young Score for December 1st!

The Fall weather. Even if it's freezing in the morning and really hot later in the day.

Onto my new Pinterest account. Sometimes, my friends, you just need a fresh start. 

Thinking Up: 
A new blog look for Winter 2016-17.

In John 16:33.

 OVER THIS PICTURE. *distant sobbing* Sorry guys, Titanic is one of my weaknesses. I don't have ancestors who were on the actual ship or anything like that, but I just get ridiculously sentimental over it every time. XD


This random bubble that I saw on Pinterest. I guess it's good. *shrug*

Over a certain movie that is in a genre that I usually don't like. I'm trying to think of "The Perfect Review" to write for you guys. :)

The more I get older (which is just a sorry thing in itself), the more I find myself agreeing with the parent's side in a movie, rather than the teenager's side.  *sigh* It's that thin dividing line, guys.

Listening To:
Britt Nicole's new song. (This is the only song on the album that I like, however. :P Not too crazy about the rest of it.) Also, Mount Rushmore, the new AY score for November. "Four Faces" is the BEST. It's seriously so pretty. Just CLICK AND LISTEN. You'll like it. :)

While I'm on that note: 
That I CAN and WILL do anything and everything in my house (especially housework) with Adam Young Scores playing in the background. Seriously, guys. These scores are a gift to my life. 

And now you know what I am up to!

Have a good day! Remember, you will never get to live 2016 again, so make it count for Jesus!

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