And I've been excited about it. After all, the animated BATB is one of my favorite Disney movies.
So yeah, you can imagine.
A couple of days ago, I discovered this article.
I know, go ahead and cry.
I don't usually share opinions on this blog. I just don't. I'm not an 'opinion sharer' outside of movies and books. I don't talk about politics, or anything controversial at all.
And I know I will be fighting a losing battle with this. Disney is a big company. There are probably millions of people out there who are just tickled pink to see the first 'openly gay' character depiction in a Disney movie.
But I can take my own little stand in my own little way, can't I? And maybe some of you who read this will, too. That's why I wanted to write this post.
I'm not 'against' gay people at all. Nor do I 'hate' gay people. God tells us to love everyone (your enemies, your neighbor, etc.). But I don't agree with them, not one bit. No more than I believe it's right for anyone to steal or lie or disrespect authority. It's all just sin.
We already have enough 'sin' in Disney movies, by way of 'innuendos' and hints and messages. But this. This is as open as it's ever been and I can't ignore it.
A bit of innuendo is not too hard to ignore. I can close my eyes to a little 'innuendo'.
If I couldn't, I wouldn't watch Sherlock BBC (ever heard of Johnlock? :P)
But this. Thiiisss.... *cries*
Disney is stepping out too far this time, and I don't want to be with them when they do.
A friend said to me in an email:
Unfortunately, I agree with her.
So yeah, basically I'm saying I won't be seeing the movie in theaters like I was planning, and I won't see it for a long time. I know a million other people will go see it even without me, but I, for one, will not give them my time or my money when they put out stuff like that.
Oh, I'll see it eventually. I'll watch it when I can see it for free and none of my money will be going to their box office gross. That's just my little decision, and I decided to share it with all of you, in case 1: You didn't know about this (and you ought to), and 2: In case you want to... you know... join me in my little, ehm, snubbing thingy. Or whatever you want to call it. *shrug*
:P :P :P
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See you later. Happy posts coming soon.
p.s. Current mood: :P :P :P
p.p.s. I think in my head I will still be excited to see the movie until I finally do. Because IT'S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST FOR PETE'S SAKE. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME, DISNEY?
p.p.p.s. Let me just say that some of the stuff that Disney is coming out with would make the actual Walt Disney roll over in his grave. Shame, shame, shame.
Ok I'm done.
Thank you for this, Amaris. Really. You stated your opinions so well and I'm in total agreement with you. The disappointment of this announcement left me deflated and downright DEVASTATED! I was trying to ignore the worried feelings I was having about the movie (I'm sensing an 'edge' to this Belle that I don't fancy), and then that article released and I was, as you put it, ":P".
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping me realize that I am not alone and that I will have a fellow non-theatre watcher out there. I thought I was going to be the only one to make that move. :) Again, THANK YOU.
Thank you for your kind words, Cordy. I too, am glad that I'm not alone in this opinions. :( Movies these days just make me so sad sometimes. Because there might be a great movie that sounds amazing but then when you check the reviews for it, it's like really bad so you can't watch it. :P I wish Hollywood would realize that they will probably make more money if they would just make more family-friendly movies, but no.
DeleteThanks for your comment!
Yeah, I heard about this. I don't think there's much about it - as far as I know 'it's mainly in the scene where everyone praises Gaston's looks and then there's this guy that does most of the singing in the song. I don't think there's anything explicit. (Again, I'm not entirely sure, so don't take my word for it.) But yeah, I was disappointed too, although definitely not surprised.
DeleteYes, you're right. It isn't a big deal in the movie, I believe. The way I read the article is that there's a small, yet explicit, 'gay moment', as they call it. :P But STILL. IT'S TOO MUCH. *sigh*
I wasn't really surprised when I first read about it either. But definitely sad. And mad. :(
Thanks for your comment!
Well Walt Disney's son is gay, so that's why after his dad kicked the bucket, he added
ReplyDeletelittle hints and now this.😢ðŸ˜
Wow Abi, I did not know that. XD
I agree with every single word you just said. We were planning to take my sister to a really nice theater to see it as a surprise for her birthday, because we all LOVE the old BatB, but this??!?! Whyyyyyyyyy??! Now we are not going to see it and we are all so disappointed. Like you, we will see it, just not in theaters. It's really frustrating, and so very sad, this is what our world is coming to. Shame shame shame indeed. Poor ol' Walt.
ReplyDeleteAnd they just go and ruin something that probably is delightful, besides that!
I'm glad your taking a stand, good for you!
I agree with you, why must Hollywood mess up our plans?! I've been planning to see the movie on opening night for like a year now. :P Yes, it is all very sad. Make me want to close my little hobbit door for the rest of my life and stay out of the big bad world.
DeleteThank you for your comment!
I know, and the old movie was such huge part of our lives, we were so excited! Yeah, me too, but I suppose that might be difficult!
DeleteSure thing!
You're so right Amaris. This is awful. I don't think there's any other choice BUT to not support it. And I had been looking forward to seeing this since December. :( What a horrible and very obvious mark on Disney. I hope their productions don't get worse...
ReplyDeleteYou are right Elodie, it is a VERY obvious mark. What bothers me the most is that all the actors and the director of the movie are so proud of 'the work they've done'. :P
DeleteIt is so sad. I love Disney so much and I think if Walt knew what they were doing he'd roll over in his grave. That's not what Disney is about, it's about family friendly things, at least that is what it is supposed to be about. So crushing. </3 I am glad to see you taking a stand and I am with you!!
ReplyDeleteMany blessings~Morgan
Thank you for your comment, Morgan. I am sad right along with you. It's bad enough what they do to the 'Disney chanel', but now this. :( Thank you for your support. What bugs me the most is that we have all been looking forward to it for so long. :(
No. No. No.
Wow. Thank you SO much for sharing this, Amaris. I'm definitely going to have to think and pray about this. I knew there would come the day where even movies expected to be clean and good would have this, because after all, to the world, being gay IS "clean and good". At least bad language and sex scenes and violence still get a higher rating (although the amount and extent that is allowed to creep into PG or even PG 13 movies is astounding), but this goes to show how homosexual content will be allowed in children's moves. I No words.
I'm really disappointed by this. I too was REALLY looking forward to seeing Beauty and the Beast, but now....? I don't know. Maybe I'll do what you plan on doing. Thanks again for sharing this and being a voice for what's right and Biblical in this messed up world.
DeleteYes, this matter does involve a lot of praying about what is to be done. I agree with you about putting 'scenes' and language into movies that should be ok. It's a real shame about it all. :(
That's just the world we live in, unfortunately, but of course we can say 'no', even if it's hard.
I'm not the kind of person to boycott every little thing, but if you're thinking of not going to see it in theaters, I would recommend that. It's pretty much the only thing we can do to tell Hollywood that we don't want this kind of thing in our movies.
Thank you for your comment!