But that's ok. This year, I decided that I will do the 'New Years Tag' thing that I've seen floating around various blogs for the past couple of years.
Let's get started.
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From my Instagram @amaris_todd |
// The Year 2018 //
What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before?
I went to an outdoor theater for the first time!!! It was such a fun experience.
Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make one this year?
I only had one goal, to try to watch more movies. And I succeeded!! I watched over 50 movies this year! I am planning on publishing my 'big epic movie list of 2018' soon, so that you can see what I thought of each movie I watched this year.
What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?
I would like to have more education in art, and a laptop. :)
What date from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory?
This might sound dumb, but that would be the day I got my first smartphone, the iPhone X. The day we got it, we went to Lion's Choice afterward, and every time we go to that same location, I remember the mood and the vibes I had from that first day I got my phone.
Oh, and also May 20th! The day we officially moved! I remember what it was like to spend the last night in my old room.... a very unique feeling. It's like going away for vacation, knowing you'll miss your home but you'll soon be back... except you won't be back. And you know it.
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@amaris_todd |
Possibly July, because the VBS that I taught in was absolutely amazing. October was also really good, because I attended an art class and did a lot of other fun stuff with my best friend that month. :)
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Probably just the things that God taught me this year about Him, and how that will affect my teaching children about God.
What was your biggest failure?
That I didn't read more books. :( I really love books, but unfortunately at the end of many stressful days this year, I just didn't feel like a book. I hope to improve on this more in the coming year, though!
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing a moon exhibit at our local science center! They had the entire command module from Apollo 11. :) It was really fun to see. I also just got generally more excited to hang out with friends more, which is more than I ever used to do.
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@amaris_todd |
God brought a few friendships to me that I didn't know would be so important to me, and I'm so glad He did. <3 I also started going to a different church. It was difficult, since I'd been going to my previous church for 10+ years, but I'm so glad I did and I know I'm supposed to be at this new church.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I had gotten out and exercised more. :/
How did you spend Christmas?
It was just a small party of me and two others. We spent the day inside relaxing and doing activities. I worked on drawing. It was rather nice.
How did you spend New Year’s?
We pretty much did the above answer, but add watching 'Forrest Gump' and eating homemade chili. :)
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018:
I don't have to do or be anything to make God love me more. He already loves me, once and for all, whether my day is good or bad.
Also, if you pretend to be something you're not to impress/make other people happy, it's gonna get old eventually. Be you. If you don't know what 'you' is, figure it out and don't be afraid to be it. Negative people are everywhere. Even people you think are close to you might be a source of negativity in your life. Watch out for them, and don't change who you are for them unless you know God is using them to change you. <3
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@amaris_todd |
Happier or sadder? Sadder.But don't be alarmed... I'm a sad person in general. It's the way of things for me right now. Nothing has directly caused me to be sad.
Thinner or fatter? I have to admit a bit fatter. But I am hoping to walk more this year, and also eat more vegetables, to live the best life of taking care of the body God so graciously gave me! :)
Richer or poorer? Well, I'm definitely making more money than this time last year, but I also have more expenses now... so it kind of evens out.
Five things I want to do in 2019:
1. Make memories with my friends more, and be there for people.
2. Keep drawing!
3. Take overall mental and physical health more seriously.
4. Keep growing closer to God and learning from Him.
5. Explore more of my hometown- such as best restaurants, places to go, attractions, etc.!
What kept you sane?
God, my best friend Tessa (This Great Adventure!), and my good friend I made through VBS, Maggie.
Did you move anywhere?
Yes! We moved about 20 minutes away from our old house on May 20th, 2018. The good thing is that I am now 2 minutes from my job, which is right down the street!I love that setup, hehe. I also quit my job at Michael's in April. But that was a good change.
Did you try anything local from your hometown that you've never tried before?
I'm planning on exploring more of my town this year, but I did go to an outdoor theater during Summer 2018, and I really liked it! :)
What countries/states did you visit?
Absolutely none. This, unfortunately, was a source of depression for me this year, because I love to travel and see things and go places (my mom calls me a 'free bird'), and I didn't have the money or the time to, nor was I in a position to travel, which makes me rather sad.
The saddest part is, this is the 4th year in a row I haven't traveled far from my home. I feel kinda stuck sometimes. Also I'm poor.
Ok that answer was depressing. *fake laugh*
Where did most of your money go?
Other than general expenses from living in an apartment (which are b o r i n g), probably clothes. I kind of figured a style for myself in 2018 too... but I'm still learning about that.
What was the best thing you bought?
You know the answer! :) My iPhone X.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Thankfully, no.
What did you want and get?
Better drawing skills. :)
What did you want and not get?
So many things...like an iPad to start drawing digitally. :|
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@amaris_todd |
Nope. I'll admit a few people caught my eye tho (*nervous laughter while hoping they never read this hehe ehe*), but nothing came of that.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 20 on my birthday, and.... if I remember correctly, I think we went shopping. I bought myself some clothes and makeup and stuff.
Did anyone close to you give birth or get pregnant?
Did anyone close to you get married?
Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully nope.
Who was the best new person you met?
I actually made some good friends online, once I got my phone. Several who actually read my blog, but blogging is kind of impersonal as far as chatting back and forth individually, so I didn't know what great peeps they were until I started chatting with them on Instagram! Social media also helped me re-connect with people I used to know when I was younger and doing homeshcooling, and I'm so glad because I never knew what great people they were and now we can hang out.
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@amaris_todd |
Trying, haha.
Actually, towards the end of the year I started taking my person fashion style more seriously. As mentioned previously, I'm still figuring things out and learning with fashion, but overall I'm more confident about my clothing choices than I was this time last year, and I'm happy with a number of clothing items I acquired in 2018!
What was the best book you read?
Show Them Jesus, by Jack Klumpenhower. Second most influential book I've ever read so far, hands down (the first being the Bible, of course). I actually read it twice in 2018, hehe.
What were your favorite books of this year?
I sadly didn't read a lot of books this year. :P I am working on 'Where We Belong' by Lynn Austin right now, which I started late in 2018, and I'm halfway through! It's pretty good. :)
What was your favorite TV show?
Poldark seasons 1-3 (we're gonna catch up and watch season 4 soon!). I also started randomly watching Victoria (with Jenna Coleman) one evening, and I kept watching because I looovee it. I am sad there was only a couple of seasons. Apparently they are making new episodes for 2019 and I can't wait! It's a beautiful, beautiful show. :)
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@amaris_todd |
I'm going to save that for my 'big epic movie list of 2018' post. :)
What was the best concert you’ve been to this year?
I don't really enjoy concerts very often because I get sensory overload (and big dark loud rooms with flashing lights kinda trigger my anxiety), but I did go to see MercyMe and I loved him. <3
What song/album will always remind you of 2017?
Owl City's Cinematic album came out on June 6th! I loved listening to it this year.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
The old band, Queen! I saw the movie 'Bohemian Rhapsody' in theaters and loved it, and it further assisted my growing Queen obsession. :) I don't recommend all the titles, but there are a lot of songs I do love. :) Same goes for Michael Jackson, whose music I also 'discovered' this year!
It was a good year, musically. I also started listening to more oldies (Dean Martin... ahhh... *heart eyes*), and reconnected with how much I love vintage. <3
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@amaris_todd |
Tell me why I look back and I want to cry,
Sometimes I feel like we grew up too fast
You and I had the time of our younger lives
Sometimes I sigh and think about the past
But it's alright, cause everthing changes.
Owl City - Firebird (Alt. version)
// The End //
Well, peeps, that about sums it up. It was the craziest year of my life, and I changed more this year than I ever have. You know how there are some things you think will never change? Well, if you're between the ages of 15-25, think again, because it probably will. Almost everything I thought would never change, changed in 2018. That's the biggest reason it was such a crazy year!
It was a lot of change, but somehow I'm ok with it. I can always look back with fondness on the things I used to love and on the way things used to be, but there's so much more ahead. So, so much.
I read a (rather basic) quote on Instagram the other day.
"Don't look back, you're not going that way"
Even though it's kinda basic and cliche, it inspired me.
I can't wait to see what 2019 holds. I am so excited.
Until next time, friends.
I kinda yelled “YEEEEEESSSS!” at the Owl City song lyric XD I feel that particular line so acutely, it makes me really nostalgic and kinda sad about how different everything is now... but that’s ok, “cause everything changes” :)
ReplyDeleteI love that quote! Even if it is a little cliche it’s so true!!
Lovely to see a post from you again Amaris!! Hope your 2019 is amazing! <3
Miss Woodhouse:
DeleteOwl City lyrics never fail! :D Especially that one; I agree. Kind of sad but hopeful and nostalgic. <3
Cliche quotes are sometimes true I feel. :)
Thank you! And thanks for the comment, dear! I hope your 2019 is also amazing. <3
I love this post, Amaris! I read it sometime around midnight last night, and it made me feel like I was with you. <3 I heard your "letter voice", the one that I hear when I read something you wrote me. It was very nice, and made me feel not so alone.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, lovely post! I like hearing about things, even if I already know about them, haha.
Thank you for the kind words, my friend. <3
DeleteI'm glad my 'letter voice' was able to offer you some comfort. <3
Yes, I feel the same; hearing about things even if I already know about them. :)
I loved this.
ReplyDelete"Did you fall in love this year: 'Nope. I'll admit a few people caught my eye tho (*nervous laughter while hoping they never read this hehe ehe*), but nothing came of that.' " lol literally me smh.
Allllssoooo if you don't mind, I may copy this tag, if that's alright with you!
ReplyDeleteHaha I'm glad you liked it!! :D Thanks, hehe!
Of course I don't mind! The tag wasn't even my original idea. I don't know where I got it, to be honest. But yes-feel free. :) I want to hear about your year!